A must have espresso machine for high-end or specialty coffee shops. ADVANTAGES All chrome design mixed with wood Independent control and settings over each group head Brew temperature control Touchscreen LED for temperature and time display and control LED lighting at the coffee making area


CHARACTERISTICS Automatic material suction hopper system Cooling system Touch screen display Integrated peel collecting tray ADVANTAGES Air cyclone roasting system Continuous automatic processing system Program control heating temperature, roasting time, cooling time and automatic product discharge Roasting time can be set individually. SPECIFICATIONS Power 400 V / 3 / 50 Hz Roasting capacity 20 Kg …

ROASTER 120 Read More »


CHARACTERISTICS Ball refiner is used to produce pastes and spreads Wheel equipment Machine design reduces weight and size The machine is suitable for medium and large sized laboratories ADVANTAGES Frictional thermostat within set temperature limits The product is circulated during processing by a pump The container maintains a warm temperature when production is interrupted The …

MICRON 50 Read More »